Oh, I must mention how excited he was to get his new back pack! We went to Wal-Mart and he got to choose and picked a very cool Marvel Heroes back pack. He put it on in the store and didn't take it off for two days, getting him to take it off to pay for it was like pulling teeth!
I *thought* it would be easier if I drove him the first day, as opposed to putting him on the bus, but boy was I wrong! As we were headed to his classroom I saw his bus and showed it to him and introduced him to the bus driver and he got on the bus and didn't want to get off! So, while he is screaming, I carried him off the bus and one of the classroom aides picked him up and left me feeling a bit in shock because I hadn't had a chance to even say "good-bye". So I quickly yelled "Bye Jakob, have a good day at school!" and blew him some kisses, and he disappeared into his classroom crying hysterically. Another teachers aide said to me, "Don't worry we have your phone number, we'll call you if he doesn't calm down."
Everything turned out just fine. His teacher wrote home that he quickly calmed down playing with the water table and I have had no trouble getting him to school since.
I do love that when we were ready to head out the door on the first day that Jakob wanted to wear his Daddy's hat. I think that it gives him a sense of comfort.
Oh, they just grow up so fast!