So, I made sure I had everything to make the bread and decided I would make it on Friday since enrichment was on Saturday. However, something told me that I needed to make something in addition to the apple bread. So, I looked online for a simple recipe and found one for Cinnamon Swirl Kuchen. When Josh came home Friday night he asked why I had made two things and I told him I didn't know why I just felt like I should, and I thought that perhaps it was because the single loaf of bread wouldn't be enough or it would be too crumbly or something.
Friday night I had a photo class to go to, so I headed off to my class leaving the apple bread cooling on a wire rack and warning Josh to keep an eye on Jakob because he had been trying to get the apple bread ever since I pulled it out of the oven. I kept telling Jakob that the bread was too hot and that he needed to wait for it to cool before he could have some. But, he is 2 1/2, so that obviously wasn't sinking in. I ate my dinner really fast and told Josh that he and Jakob could have a piece of the apple bread after Jakob ate his dinner, and headed off to my class.
However, the communication flaw occurred when I left the apple bread on the table, because dinner was on the counter, but Josh thought I had put the apple bread in the kitchen where Jakob couldn't get it. So, while Josh was feeding Carly he didn't realize that the apple bread was still on the dinner table where Jakob could reach it if he wanted to.
So, I came home from my class and saw the following picture...
So, I came home from my class and saw the following picture...
...and I thought to myself, "Ok, so the boys tried the bread, I wonder if they liked it?"
Then I turned around and as I was headed out of the kitchen I saw this picture...
"Oh, your kidding!" I exclaimed, "Jakob took a bite out of the end of the loaf?!" I said to Josh, "Why didn't you cut off that end of the loaf?" And Josh just smiled a great big smile and sorta laughed and said, "Oh no, he didn't take just ONE bite out of it, go and take a look at the OTHER side." And here is what I found..

Yes, that is right, my lovely little son took bites down the entire side of the loaf of apple bread making it completely unacceptable to serve to anyone other than our little family. There was no way that I could slice up this bread and take it to a church function! The funny part is that I wasn't even mad, I just laughed and said, "well, I guess we know he likes it" and knew that was the reason I needed to make two things.
So, on behalf of Jakob, "Thank you Grandma for the yummy bread!"
Then I turned around and as I was headed out of the kitchen I saw this picture...
"Oh, your kidding!" I exclaimed, "Jakob took a bite out of the end of the loaf?!" I said to Josh, "Why didn't you cut off that end of the loaf?" And Josh just smiled a great big smile and sorta laughed and said, "Oh no, he didn't take just ONE bite out of it, go and take a look at the OTHER side." And here is what I found..
Yes, that is right, my lovely little son took bites down the entire side of the loaf of apple bread making it completely unacceptable to serve to anyone other than our little family. There was no way that I could slice up this bread and take it to a church function! The funny part is that I wasn't even mad, I just laughed and said, "well, I guess we know he likes it" and knew that was the reason I needed to make two things.
So, on behalf of Jakob, "Thank you Grandma for the yummy bread!"